There is a very fine line between good and evil. And it takes much time and effot to define that line that sepparates the two.
What are the qualities that sepparates one from the other? What is good? And what is evil?
Goodness. What entails it? How do you describe it?
-Kindness -Morality -Empathy
Are these three factors enough of a description for a good man?
A good person is kind and helpful. He/she will not stand idle before others'sufferings and will always do his/her best to help bring joy and happiness to the lives of others.
An agreeable definition? Perhaps.
Thus would we say that a person who willingly and gladly helps an old lady cross the street or donate alms to the poor is a good man. He was being kind.
But what if the man's act of kindness brings harm to others? What if the chosen act of kindness may lead to a bad end? For example, releasing a prisoner from jail so as to relieve the prisoner's suffering even though the prisoner may be a mass murderer and may choose to harm others? Is he not doing good in helping the prisoner? Then what off the people who may wind up victims of the bad man?
Note that doing so is being kind to the sufferings of the prisoner,yet, not so to his victims. Is kindness such a good thing?
As for morality to be of great importance to a good person, how many among us would have to agree to this? How many of the good people that we know have a truly strong and steadfast sense of morals? How much of it do we need?
But of course, before we answer those questions we need to understand what morals are.
Morals involve dignity. An innate code of conduct supposedly everyone should understand. Many things can fall into the realm of moral conduct. Ranging from behaviour, mode of speech, train of thought to belief.
the prevailing traits of moral values are difficult to trace, but the outlines of a moral man would be respect, responsiblity and empathy.
Empathy. Goodness has to have a lot to do with empathy. How could you care for a person without feeling or understanding just what they are really going through. The ability to put yourself in the shoes of others and understand their suffering. This would have to be the greatest source of motivation for the kind man to do good. Wouldn't you agree?
After all that, did we manage to encompass the whole concept of goodness?
-Kindness -Morality -Empathy
Is that all it takes to be good? Or perhaps there is more to it.
Is goodness and selflessness one and the same?
Is goodness in-born in the heart of every man, woman and child?
Is goodness important?
Questions like these are difficult to answer.