Sunday, July 23, 2006


Dreams. Man's most lethal form of reality.

Every man lives in his own world. Every man tells his own story. He shrouds himself under the covers of his own dreams that none else could comprehend but for him. That is the truth of our reality.

The realnes of the world is merely the collective influence of mankind's dreams.Our society is a sub-conscious creation of our imaginations. Our society is what we make of it. God made it such.

Life is nothing more than a dream in livid color. A dream filled with trials and hardships as well as temptations caught in a long slumber away from the gates of heaven. As long as we remain tied down to these dreams, we will only be a shadow of our true selves.

This world we now live in - this reality that we believe in - is nothing more than a gift. A small virtual world of dreams made to satisfy the human spirit's curiosity and lust. It is a lure that slowly drags us even deeper into this dream we've made our reality.

And as long as we remain in this state of dreaming, we may never find out what it feels like to be truly complete. As long as man lives within this playground made by God, he may never experience true peace and happiness. At least not until he learns to look beyond his dreams to the inescapable reality of this world's finite lifespan.

That eternal existence beyond our dreams is what we ought to be looking for. Man's tendency to lose himself in the virtual life is the bane of his future. To look beyond the illusion of the present life is perhaps the only way to escalate beyond our dreams.

Many among us are perhaps well aware of this. Some of us choose to release themselves from the absolute grip of this world through the window of the faith in God.Then there are also some of us who choose to continue and live through our dreams and not look past them. so we lose ourselves in this day and age. Thus has mankind lost his place in heaven to the entrappings of his dreams and selfish desires.

Or is there really nothing more after this "life"?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

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