Saturday, December 16, 2006


There once was a child
Born from the sun
Youth set aflame
Amid the roaring fires of time

Stood he did proudly
Chest apuff in glory
To none would he bow
Stranded by ego unsavory

Unknowingly he consumed
Rotting away in fumes
Yet none saw him fading
In invisible shadows of his making

For like stars from whence he came
He was deteriorating just the same
A mortal flash of limited quantity
Approaching death in every tick

We all shine and bathe in the light of our own lives. Carry our hands high trying to impress those around us with brilliance only we could possibly emanate before our time is up. Yet the harder we strive, the bigger the obstacles that loom before our path. And the more we strain to achieve our dreams, the closer we bring ourselves to the brink of uncertainty. But pride keeps us from falling. Our self-induced strength of certainty keeps us moving forwards. All the pan in the world could not stop us unless the source of our pride and ego is stomped out first.

And thus we've built for each and every person a bubble. Looking outwards in each individual light, and living a life haunted by shadows born off the essence of our lives.

Time will pass us by, and the bubbles we build will shrink bit by bit, till the end.

And all we can do is merely wear out the storm till we arrive at an ending, eating away at ourselves. Fighting a lonely battle at our own expensce. Combatting self-insecurities while trying to shine like a supernova.


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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits