Monday, December 11, 2006


What is happiness? Can it be forgotten? How do you know if it is what you remember? How do you tell if it is or isn't there?

Laughters and smiles usually trail it. Tears sometimes accompany it. The elation when someone is drowning in it, is indescribable. Yet, what really brings about happiness varies greatly from person to person.

How do you define so broad a term? Is there any way to narrow down to one specific source of happiness which everyone can agree on?


Is it...


Would satisfaction make you happy? If you were fully satisfied with the way things are in your life, could you live through to the end with a smile upon your face?

Could you do the same if you weren't satisfied with your life?

Then again, are smiles and laughter a good measurement for joy? Somehow I doubt so. Hmmm...

Psychological or emotional? Spiritual or mental? Is it meta-physical? Or perhaps its source is neurological? Maybe divine? Hmmm...

How do I understand this thing? This happiness?

Haha. One thing's for sure, I barely know this one emotion that so many people are absolutely fond of. Now how can that be so? Hmmm...

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits