Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Important And The Not

Protein: A word whose etymology leads back to the ancient Greek word "Prota".

"Prota" meaning "of primary importance".

They are the builders and catalysts. The movers and shakers of the realm of evolution. The pillars of the roof of life.

Proteins are the drones born from genes. They are responsible for reading and acting out the scripts of life written and mapped out within the long chains of genes.

Are proteins important in the building of life?

Are they of prime importance?

Can they still function without the instructions of DNA and genes?

If something of primary importance is reliant upon something else- as is the case for proteins- is it still the prime determining factor?

Or does it become secondary in nature?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits