Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Blessed or Cursed?

Fanaticism. A blessing or a curse?

Mankind has seen more than its fair share of zealots in its entire history. Such people are either celebrated, or cursed due to their overwhelming devotion to their beliefs.

Famous men such as Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Vlad Tepes and other equally self-righteous leaders of their kind. Men whose ferocious demeanor and self-imbued pillars of strength and beliefs enable them to change the world.

They attempted to enfoce their points of views upon the rest of the world. These men; These leaders brought about change through their power of will and unwavering beliefs. Be it to religion(example being Osama) or the self (Adolf Hitler) and even moral traits (Vlad Tepes). Granted the changes they made were rather unpleasant or even down right gruesom to some. Yet these fanatical men were driven onwards by their wholehearted beliefs like rivers of molten lava spewing forth from the boiloing mouth of Krakatoa. Nothing short of death itself could staunch their movements.

They had faith on their side. They believed that they were right. And for their cause they would fight. Had they the right?

You decide.


He incited a world-wide movement to go to war against the enemies of muslim men and women. In particular the U.S.A. He refused to give in to the lies as well as oppressive actions of the U.S.A against his country and people. Osama fought to free his people and bring forth the name of his country and religion. He wanted to prove hmself strong and capable. Not just that, the man believed he was fighting in the name of God. He termed it "Jihad". Or as christians would call it, a "crusade". With God on your side and goodness as your blade, how could you lose the war?

An overzealous man driven not only by faith but also vengeance. Am I right?

Vlad Tepes:

He was a man of unwavering moral backing. His word was law and his law was to be upheld at all costs.

No room was given for mistakes to be made by men and sin was punishable by death through impalement. Extreme? Perhaps. But such extremity also led to a greatly upheld sense of value and morality which few would dare to break.

Was he really doing too much and being too harsh? Or are we too soft and corrupt?

Adolf Hitler:

Great was his belief in the greatness of the Aryan race. He believed that the world itself belonged to the Germans. That they were deserving of all greatness.

This had led to the second world war. His fanatic belief in his country's righteousness and power led them to greatness and down in history. Of course, the cost of this was the lives of millions.

Or was it just greed and megalomania? Who's to know?

The zeal that these men as well as many others like them bring is enormous. And the changes they've wrought is equally astounding. Beyond that, these men were doing the right thing. Even when faced with overwhelming odds and not to mention disapproval from the majority around them, they stood. They stood firm and brought forth their brand of righteousness.

One which was rejected by the rest of the world.

Could you imagine having so much strength and faith in what you believe in? To have so little doubt in yourself or your belief that you become an impregnable force of change to last through the ages.

These men did. Were they blessed, or accursed?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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