Sunday, August 06, 2006


One scar for every day
A trickle of blood
Only a bit of pain
not enough to cry

A thin cut upon the skin
Barely a scratch
A mere few inches in
Enough to bleed

the prick of steel
Biting against flesh
Coldness on warmth
An innocet form of harm

The hurting of the body
Self-mutilating acts
A mental addiction
A devilish pact

Pain to counter pain
Heat to combat flame
Taste of fresh blood
Lingering upon the tongue

Remnant of unshed tears
Flowing from open wounds
Palatable fears material
Born of doubt-filled years

Litter the earthen soil
Send back life from whence it came
Through much grief
In torment find relief

I cut
I burn
I bleed
But for myself I'll never weep

Live by the knife, die by it
Dare to cut, dare to bleed
By the scars I here inflict
I douse my pain in physicality
For no ache could hurt more
Than the hurting of the soul
God I beg thee forgive
For now in etching my skin
I have sinned
I'm sorry. I had to.

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits