Knowing others is intelligence;
Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
Mastering yourself is true power.
-Lao Zi
The achievements of a single man cannot be measured via a single constant scale. For achievements are measured by knowledge. And knowledge flows and changes with time; like the wind.
Thus we find, that every new achievement merely overshadows the old.
This is because achievement is a key that unlocks doors to new challenges. New knowledge.
Look through the books of history at the discoveries of mankind as a whole. From the discovery of fire, to electricity, to inventions such as the wheel, lightbulb and even airplanes. Each achievement paved the way for greater discoveries. Achievements cannot be measured. Instead, they should be made into the tool of measurement.
Achievements are markers for the growth and applications of a man's knowledge. Every daily activity may be an achievement by itself. Everything that tests your limits and drives you further is a learning experience.
Indeed, as intelligence and wisdom grows, so too will strength and power.
So learn. Seek knowledge of yourself and of those around you. Understand yourself and your surroundings. Only then can you master life and find peace.
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