Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Life....A short note

In the eternal cadence of life and death that flows endlessly through this limited time we're born with, rarely do we spot the harmonious balance that echoes in the chaos of the spinning of life's wheel.

Etched upon the threads of fate is the reflections of knowledge learnt and lost, neither of which ever registered upon the conscious thought of man but at the rarest moments of self-reflections.

Even then, the blind eyes of man rarely reaps the rewards that awaits his taking upon the lessons of the wind for he's too busy swimming upon the relentless tides of needs wrought of disillusions and dreams of good fortune and happy times.

Oh woe is man.

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits