Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Up high...during the lowest of times...

Upon a cliff

At the edge of sanity

Upon the brim of lunacy

Away from society

Stands a lone figure


Where has joy gone

Sadness everywhere

Drowning in toxic smog

Smothered away from sunshine

up on a cliff


There is no help

The sun no longer shines

No hands reach out

Even smiles have faded away

There's no way out


Eyes burnt in darkness

He could not see

The silence deafened

Nor could he breathe

They surrounded him


The ground was too far

The skies too high

Nothing within reach

But for the smog

Nowhere but the cliff


Too high up

Wrapped in blindness

Stumbling forwards

Only to fall downwards

He had no hope


Only one could save him

But he could not see

Would not see

Far too engrossed was he

In what he could feel


There was no more revelry

In fact, there never was

All this time walking

Days he'd spent talking

Nights of constant scouring


He was beginning to learn

Where he stood

Amid the clouds

Away from the world

How caught up he was


Memories tied in time

Collared with green history

Printed upon pages yellow

Cringing finally under scrutiny

This was the wage of age


Looking to his emptiness

Knowing the scar of years

The way he had found and lost

He knew only one need

Only one object of desire


Every step of the journey

Each passing day

Along with the clock's ticking

And the pages flipping

The end comes nearer


Isolation brought revelation

Witnessing from a distance

The world left behind

By a single person

On who knew what he wanted


Now at his final chapter

Beginning to see its end

With nothing to see

And no place to land

He could feel it


In the distance

Through the crystal ball

He sought now only one end

Wanted one more purpose

A final act before he left


This was his gift

In a single book

The teachings of his life

For the world to see

A story of a lonely man


The turn of the final page

Final letter of the final word

His biography ended

His whole life told

All the world been read to


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Questions difficult to answer...

There is a very fine line between good and evil. And it takes much time and effot to define that line that sepparates the two.

What are the qualities that sepparates one from the other? What is good? And what is evil?

Goodness. What entails it? How do you describe it?

-Kindness -Morality -Empathy

Are these three factors enough of a description for a good man?

A good person is kind and helpful. He/she will not stand idle before others'sufferings and will always do his/her best to help bring joy and happiness to the lives of others.

An agreeable definition? Perhaps.

Thus would we say that a person who willingly and gladly helps an old lady cross the street or donate alms to the poor is a good man. He was being kind.

But what if the man's act of kindness brings harm to others? What if the chosen act of kindness may lead to a bad end? For example, releasing a prisoner from jail so as to relieve the prisoner's suffering even though the prisoner may be a mass murderer and may choose to harm others? Is he not doing good in helping the prisoner? Then what off the people who may wind up victims of the bad man?

Note that doing so is being kind to the sufferings of the prisoner,yet, not so to his victims. Is kindness such a good thing?

As for morality to be of great importance to a good person, how many among us would have to agree to this? How many of the good people that we know have a truly strong and steadfast sense of morals? How much of it do we need?

But of course, before we answer those questions we need to understand what morals are.

Morals involve dignity. An innate code of conduct supposedly everyone should understand. Many things can fall into the realm of moral conduct. Ranging from behaviour, mode of speech, train of thought to belief.

the prevailing traits of moral values are difficult to trace, but the outlines of a moral man would be respect, responsiblity and empathy.

Empathy. Goodness has to have a lot to do with empathy. How could you care for a person without feeling or understanding just what they are really going through. The ability to put yourself in the shoes of others and understand their suffering. This would have to be the greatest source of motivation for the kind man to do good. Wouldn't you agree?

After all that, did we manage to encompass the whole concept of goodness?

-Kindness -Morality -Empathy

Is that all it takes to be good? Or perhaps there is more to it.

Is goodness and selflessness one and the same?

Is goodness in-born in the heart of every man, woman and child?

Is goodness important?

Questions like these are difficult to answer.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


Is my heart closed?

Why can't I move?

Have you bound me down?

Why can't I make the choice?

Where is my freedom?

Why am I blind?

Why can't I hear...

You calling out my name?

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Time in its endlessness

Meanders through thought

Within the dreams of the thoughtless

Can its end be wrought

Decay is becoming of it

Relatively slow sign of its passing

The strong losing their grit

The weak of this world leaving

Growth accompanies it

Upon a journey forward

It slowly lights a darkened pit

Illumine with wisdom's chord

With its silent passing

Relayed is history's wake

Its zest for change more than a fling

Impredictability the icing on its cake

Friday, August 18, 2006


Contrary to popular belief

My life began not the day I was conceived

It had all started

On the turning of a leaf

The beginning of my tale:

The End

*Open the cover*

The writings on these pages

They echo through the ages

To tell a simple tale

One tale with many faces

*Turn of a page*

Slowly building the pieces

Gathering the ink of each day's riches

Observe my story unfold

Piece by piece in words and letters

School was an experience

Learning became priority first

Friendship building a second

At least those were the intentions

All was fine and dandy

Amidst all the studies done daily

I grew but a fraction older

Slowly breaking into my teens

*A new page begins*

Years wore on

Friends come and go

A quarrel here, a fight there

Staple dance of good and bad

The centrifugal spin

Of growth and decay

Learning becomes a past-time

Just as experience, became more

Search for independence

Look for the self

A chapter of experience

Page upon page of change

*Furling the pages*

What is the meaning

Where is the truth

I find myself pondering

Searching for clues

Of course I won't find them

They are not here

The Koran of my life

Is built upon broken pillars

*Empty parchments*

Where is the end

I can't find it

I'm waiting for it





is it......?

Monday, August 14, 2006

A dedication as promised for the one whom I seek :)

Name, a beautiful one she has

Under no circumstance to be forgot

Reigning queen of my heart

Regal lady of my dreams

In you is what I buried

Love heavenly beyond retrieve

Hail the lady smart and young

In purity of a dreamy heart

Restless and trapped in a cage

Freedom untasted she yearns

Ask her what she wants

Never will her wish I deny

All the care and love that exists

To her will I give

Heart and soul

Eloquent lady of mine,not

Of radiant beauty

Nirvana's trophy

Evening suns and midnight moons

I present you


Sunday, August 13, 2006


Newton's first law of motion states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."

It is the natural tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion. This tendency, is aptly named inertia.

Inertia = the resistance an object has to change in the state of motion

Contrary to popular belief, forces are not needed to keep an object in motion. Forces are what put objects in motion to rest.

This world we live in is filed with friction. Everything that moves is met with an opposig force that tries to slow it down. Everything accellerates and decelerates thanks to the existence of forces.

Forces exist in many forms. There are contact forces such as friction, heat electricity and kinetic forces as such. These forces are obvious to sight and only transfer directly from one subject to the next upon contact.

Then there are the stranger and more perplexing invisible forces of nature. An example of which is gravity and magnetism.

All of these forces, pushing and pulling against the constant inertia of existing matter, are much like the lords of motion and our reality itself.

These forces are the ties of fate that binds us together. These forces are what pulls us apart. They are the commanders of change. They are what brings the world to life, as well as the ones who kill it.

These forces have been around since the beginning of time. Everchanging hands, ever moving and never ending. Power and energy in this universe, like matter, can neither be created nor destroyed. Merely transferred from one source to the next.

Such is the case, since the Big Bang, and as such the case will be still till he Big Crunch. The universe, forever recycling through its endless cycles of movements.

Intricate indeed is this giant clockwork realm that God has made for us. Marvel at it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Book

Trailing the pages of time a day at a time. What can you learn from it? Leading an introspective life. Is there any good in it?

Everything happens for a reason. Good and bad both has its place in the world. All that happens brings teachings to be gotten.

Is there any truth in the aforementioned mantra?

If one lives his whole life trying to latch on to every single message that is written within the pages of days, will one find true bliss?

Does heavenly joy lie hidden amidst the thick pages of everyday normality waiting for the day it would be uncovered? Does joy abide deep within the writings of destiny, slowly being uncovered amid history's unfolding? Need we decipher it?

Existence. The story of life. Existence is an empty page. The page upon which the story of life is written. Where destiny is built on. Where all purity resides. Empty pages.

With the flowing tides of seconds passing is written a story. No. Many stories. A poetry universal and layered within a language complex yet simple.

Can life be read? Be existence an open book? Is the written story of time within comprehension?

Turn back the hands of the clock and you will know. The key lies within history.

Each passing moment recorded in the book of our years adds up. A long tale shall be spun with each letter that marrs the page. No matter which way the story goes, the story will be told.

will the book find its end? Is there a closing chapter? Perhaps. Yes. There has to be. Every story has to have an ending. Every tale needs it.

Once that finality has been reached and the line drawn, past pages will matter no longer. The book of life, once closed, will no longer need be opened.

Upon the fields after the end of days will you then wait. Wait for the book you've written. No. The book the world has written for you to receive.

Will it fall in your right hand or your left? Who is to know?

By then all that you know will be judged. And all that you don't will be revealed.

Should one live constantly trying to derive meaning, or should one attempt a carefree life simply soaring upon the wings of the moment?

How do you read your book?

Sunday, August 06, 2006


One scar for every day
A trickle of blood
Only a bit of pain
not enough to cry

A thin cut upon the skin
Barely a scratch
A mere few inches in
Enough to bleed

the prick of steel
Biting against flesh
Coldness on warmth
An innocet form of harm

The hurting of the body
Self-mutilating acts
A mental addiction
A devilish pact

Pain to counter pain
Heat to combat flame
Taste of fresh blood
Lingering upon the tongue

Remnant of unshed tears
Flowing from open wounds
Palatable fears material
Born of doubt-filled years

Litter the earthen soil
Send back life from whence it came
Through much grief
In torment find relief

I cut
I burn
I bleed
But for myself I'll never weep

Live by the knife, die by it
Dare to cut, dare to bleed
By the scars I here inflict
I douse my pain in physicality
For no ache could hurt more
Than the hurting of the soul
God I beg thee forgive
For now in etching my skin
I have sinned
I'm sorry. I had to.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


The spark of a thousand fires/

Burning with the passion equal to the dark of night/

Buried in battle amid flaming pyres/

Are traditions lost in the invading light/

Candles of past teachings slowly fade/

Losing their fervor with the passing days/

With the coming down of a new era/

Morality has changed to a darker plethora/

God dictates with eternal mandate/

Yet few answer His calling/

Men have lost themselves in sin/

And women hide behind their material awnings/

All is gone; to never be found/

Furious is the night for being robbed of heaven's light/

Much to the Devil's delight/

The men remain unaware of thei plight/

Lost indeed is heaven's light, replaced by the mean glows of evil disgrace/

The spark of a thousand fires/

Burning with the passion equal to the dark of night/

Strayed off is the path of man/

And God willing we may never find it back again/

Kill the passion and douse the flames/

Seek only what divine light ordains/

Return to the light and lose yourself never again/

:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

thoughts, principles and philosophy is the main point of discussion. Subjects ranging from love to music and life can be discussed here. Anyone is welcome to post their thoughts on my articles in the tagboard. And feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong. I'm open to criticism.
C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits