Thursday, February 22, 2007


There is no god, only Allah. As a muslim, man should worship non other but Allah. Worship no god, only Allah.

Who is Allah? What does He look like? What is He like?

Questions no muslim can answer. Things a muslim shouldn't bother pondering. Why not?

Simply because Allah is Allah. He is unlike any of the gods that men worship. He is different.

Allah is unlike any of His creations. He is perfect. He is beyond our imaginings and surpasses our meager knowledge. How can we expect to know Him?

We know of Allah what little He allows us to know. We know of Allah by the ninety-nine names He revealed to us as well as the twenty traits of Him that He allowed us to know. We know that Allah is omnipotent, was never begotten and does not beget children.

Allah is all powerful. Allah is mysterious. Allah is all knowing. Allah is all things great. Allah is like nothing we've seen or known. How can we hope to imagine even a glimpse of Allah when he is thus so otherworldly and great?

So who is Allah?

He is the God of muslims.

No. The God of man.

No. Stilll wrong.

Allah, is Allah. No other name for Him.

Allahu Akbar.

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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