Sunday, February 11, 2007


In reality we're living as mere reflections.

Ever wondered why we're never satisfied with our lives? Or how empty it feels to be alive. Are we truly existing or are we hitching a ride on the lives of another?

Look in the mirrow. What do you see? Is that the true face of you? What is the true color of your essence?

We live our lives staring into the abyss of our meaningless actions through our everyday lives. What are we doing? Do we have any control over the things we do?

Actions that defy moral conscience; Sinful lives lived by every man that goes against the deeply ingrained wish to do good. Do we really want to do evil? Or is it really the wishes of another?

The many different things we do day in day out, none of them is ever done with good reason. All of it merely spurs of the passing moments.

In reality, we're all living as mere reflections.

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits