Saturday, May 05, 2007

Ever Wondered?

Fate. In whose hands does yours rest upon?

Can you read your future?

Can you or anyone else for that matter change it?

Or does fate even exist? What proof do we have of the existence of predestination?

Have you ever wondered?


Anonymous said...

its totally contradicting when people say your fate lies in your hand. cos as a matter of fact, fate is supposed to be something that's destined to be..something that's inevitably predetermined. then if fate lies in your hands doesnt that mean its your choice to choose, how it actually goes. then how is that fate?

spirit of the dark said...


It may be true that fate is supposed to be something destined to be. But why do you think it impossible to be in our hands?

Inevitably predetermined, perhaps. But is it absolutely beyond our control?

In our lives, we must inevitably consume food to stay alive. Yet it is up to us to choose when we eat, what we eat and where we eat. Correct?

If that is the case, would you say that it is out of our hands that we must eat?

Or in the context of our inevitable end. We all know that one day we will be driven to our graves. All that's alive must one day die.

Yet some of us rush to his/her own end. Was it fate that they'd commit suicide, or was it a choice on their part? Could they have kept themselves away from that end if they had chosen to?

Or do we even have a choice in what we do? Are we mere mechanations programmed by fate to move whichever way we do? If that is the case then we cannot say we've made any choices now can we?

Are our choices determiners of our fate or are they a part of it? Is it really that impossible for fate to be in our hands?

:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits