Sunday, May 20, 2007


The change you see
Announced to be not me
Renouncing it
Calling it an ugly piece

You hate it
Called it fake
But the truth is that
In so doing it's me you hate

Be it so bad
This change you not accept
Pushing me aside
Calling me a stranger inside

How different I become
Is not the point
What triggered your alarm
That has me disjoint

Why hate me so
When goodness is all I show
Is it goodness you despise
Or my actions to you but lies

Can you not see
Extend vision beyond your misery
For intend not I to befriend
One who accepts not who I am

Let go of the past
This change must I make to last
Till death in this way
Redemption for sins of past days

Accept me and my words
Return not to me but with kind words
I wish for you only Peace
Hoping for you guidance through your tears

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits