Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Life comes from...

The riddle of life is something that seems rather close to impossible to solve. Why do people keep on trying to?

From Socrates to Plato, Einstein to Newton, Scientists and philosophers alike work their hearts and minds out pondering the goings ons around them in a bid to understand our existence.

Where did we come from? And how did we get to where we are now?

When asked what life is, differing answers may turn up. What does it mean to be living?

Darwinism rests upon the belief that all things evolved.

Different religions describe the creation of mankind in different ways.

Then there's a select few that ponder the possibility that man was an experiment by alien beings. Thus making life a giant experiment?

Evolution or creation - divine or otherwise - often brings to mind that all life has a beginning. Beyond that, all life is also determined to have an end.

So these two are the most common traits held by all things that live.

What other traits are there? Breathing? Sustenance? Consciousness? Is that it?

Is that all being alive is about? Have we solved the riddle of life?

Life has a beginning and an end. We judge something alive if it breathes, requires sustenance and is endowed with consciousness.

Where does consciousness come from?

If a creature need not breath or eat, but could talk and move, we won't say that it's alive. Doesn't that make consciousness the most important of all factors in deciding whether or not someone or thing is alive?

So where does life albeit consciousness come from?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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