Monday, March 26, 2007

Simplicity Abstracted

Abstraction or simplicity; Which is closer to the truth?

All things bear a simple disposition that can be abstracted.

The complexity within the working mechanisms of all simple things is not something to be trifled with.

As you delve deeper into simplicity's web, you'll find that it is itself a complexity impossible to understand.

The readily accepted truth is always simple upon the forefront.

1 + 1 = 2

A simple equation.

The world is round. An undeniable fact.

The sky is blue. An obvious observation.

My name is Abdul Aziz. There is no point in denying that.

All these are facts apparent and easily digested at first glance.

But what happens when you abstract it and begin to question their validity?

Numbers are mere symbols. An equation a combination of symbols. A sentence.
1 + 1 = 2
If you chose 1 to represent a pair and 2 to represent a single object, then this equation would be wrong would it not?

Thus you would have to first identify what the numbers represent before you can first justify the sentence that this equation brings to bear.

Questioning that symbolism tat everyone has grown to accept as a given, is a form of abstraction. Is this something that can bring you closer to the truth?

AS for the shape of the world, long had it been assumed to be flat until the times of philosophers such as Pythagoras and Aristotle.

Earth-shaking as this discovery was, people slowly began to change their perspectives and belief as bit by bit the vacuum of outer space was unveiled and the elliptical nature of our planet is uncovered.

Abstraction most often changes perspectives. Enforces sometimes new beliefs. What was once readily believed was replaced with a new reality. How long before people stop and think and uncover a new reality to that very belief?

Had people been satisfied with the belief that the world was a flat surface and that the entire universe revolved around us, where would we be now?

Had the near circular nature of our planet not been accepted and believed, would the simple truth of the flatness of our world be a reality and a truth?

The reality of the blueness of our skies is undeniable. Or is it?

What happens when you put to question the existence of the sky? Is it even matter? Is it of any particular color at all? The only reason we see the blueness is due to the naturally greater refraction of blue rays among the seven rays of sunlight's color. Thus we detct the mere abundance of blue light around us.

An object is said to be of a particular color due to the fact that all other colors of the light's spectrum is absorbed except for that particular color we see the object in which the object reflects. But the sky, is it an object? Is it reflecting any of that color?

It refracts sunlight through the difference in density between our atmosphere and the vacuum of outer space. Thus it is not the color of the sky that we see but the bending of light that is observed. The sky is in truth made of colorless gases.

So is it colorless or is it blue?

And the name of a person. What makes one name right and another wrong? What is acceptable and what is not?

If a given name is disliked, can a person change it? Then who is to say one name is a truth and another a falsity?

There are many matters in whih we choose to simplify to avoid losing ourselves in the trails of abstraction. Is our hunt for truth really a wild goose chase?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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