Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dying Thoughts

Suicide. What could drive a man to the brink of it?

We are naturally inclined to fear death. So what could tip the scales in favor of death?

Approaching the point of cracking. No one could possible realise it but the self. Perhaps even the self does not fully realise the implications of his own personal thoughts.

Suicidal thoughts and wish for death easily comes at the face of problems monumental beyond solving. But these thoughts are rarely strong enough to provoke action. Simple words such as "I wish I was dead" escape our lips and are taken as mere words. Few among us recognise its ability to escalate into something more unlikely as it may seem.

It is best to stay from such thoughts. Simply wishing you're not there, hoping you were only dreaming as well as wishing you were someone else are merely some alternatives to suicidal thoughts you could use if you get them.

Loss. It all begins with loss. The crumbling of everything around you. When it starts to break down, you try to patch everything up and staunch the flow of the lifeblood of your existence out of your being. But as it slowly continues to bleed out, yoou're inching even farther away from your reasons to live.

When all's lost, you'll be empty. Is an empty life worth wading through? All that's left is simply to escape. And what way is there to escape life?

It all begins with loss and ends with the final loss of life.

Suicide is not chosen, it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain.

Or perhaps it is a choice. Can you choose to live with nothing to live for?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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