Sunday, December 26, 2004

wisest is the fool who knows

Wisest is the fool who knows. Don't know where this came from, but it was the first conscious thought that came to my head in the shower. What brought about this thought? I don't know. But what I mean by it, I do know.

Let's break down the sentence to truly understand what it means. Take some time and think. When I say wise, what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Probably an elderly figure, of some sort. Right? Or an angelic or long lived race that's spent millenia on contemplation and learning. Well, that's what I've heard from some of my friends and cousins. But let's get to the point. Wise, in this sense means having wisdom. Being capable of judgement. Having the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships. Now take a breather and let it sink in. It's important that you understand this.

Next we'll talk about the word fool. A fool is one lacking in the ability to understand even the most simplest of terms. One who is incapable of the most basic of judgements and decisions.Yes. Contradictory isn't it? How could a fool(one who is incapable of understanding complex factors) be wise at the same time? The answer, is pretty simple. But I'll get back to that later.

Knowing. That's the next thing that I want to talk about. To know. What is to know? To know, is to have a direct understanding of something. To be capable of direct cognition of a subject. Pretty simple right? Wrong. How is one supposed to be sure as to whether or not what he knows is real? For reality is pretty warped. One's knowledge of something may be far too different in comparison to another person's due to different degrees of perceptions as well as level of understanding. And knowledge is not something we can gain through simple learning or "absorbing" process. It is more of an "unlocking" process. Knowledge is something that is always locked and stored within our minds, awating the day they be unlocked through interaction with the outside world and the turning of the right key combinations to unlock it. Got it? If not, relax. Take your time to digest it.

Moving on. How is a fool wise? Simplicity. His wisdom lies in his simplicity. Imagine ourselves as a piece of paper. Lines and colours written on a sheet of clean paper can be more easily defined than from one that's been constantly written upon. This makes for an easy way of judging and seeing with perfect clarity the nature of the line. Thus is the fool capable of making the wisest of decisions. He has within him neither the intelligence for complex judgement nor twisted routes. He makes decisions with simple and straight forward goals. No beatin around the bush, no complex maths. Just clear simple solutions that serve their purposes. Their purpose is stated clearly; their actions stand out boldly, unhampered by other manipulations and unhindered by other voices of reason. But the fool is also the one incapable of proper judgement you say? That, I say, is why he is the wisest. For he does not make unnecessary judgement.

Human judgement clouds the mind. Our thoughts are so cluttered with ideas that we've lost track of the center of balance that we had been brought up with. Our scales of morality have tilted, one way or the other. Each of us has a different view on what could be the most similar of transaction or occurence. But the innocense of the fool would present him with the clearest and wisest decision of all. One that's been made with ernest wisdom.

Ernest wisdom. What is it? It's true understanding. True understanding does not base itself upon numbers or terms. It is what some could term "gut feeling". It's the in built scale given to us upon our birth. The tool of God. The gift of the heart. Only one too foolish to understand would be stupid enough to rely on his guts alone in a world littered with the "wise". Thus is the wisdom of the fool.

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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