Friday, December 17, 2004

the duality of life....

everything exists in pairs....this world...or as i've learnt to see it, this duality of existence....this temporary reality....much of it is wrapped in darkness and light.....or a mixture of both....wreathed in a gradient of wonder and temperamental beauty.....the contrast....the difference.....between the beautifully elegant as well as the notoriously ugly and menacing....the soft as well as the gross and all exists in a balance of the weak and the strong.....the giving and the receiving.....the pushing and the pulling......we all live busying ourselves in work as we search for an avenue of escape to find for ourselves a better life.....a shall i say it......valuable life.....some of us become singers....others writers.....yet others....lecturers....all that to what purpose?.....some, to satisfy their mental and social needs, others for money....and others still, for some other reason that only they could think of.....but at the end of it all, have we ever thought about what exactly is the REAL reason that hides behind those surface thoughts and emotions?.....there has to be an underlying current beneath the programming.......i've seen dozens of people who exist to satisfy the wishes of their significant so doing also satisfying their need for something/someone to serve....they told me that it was like 2nd nature to they'd been born to do felt right to do that....maybe it's the truth.....maybe they've found the 2nd half of the whole that was created when they were created......the 2nd half.....the anti-matter....but these relationships these people got themselves into.....generates also, another realm of that has its ups and that in its own another duality of existence....a duality of life......and further does the principals of cause and effect continue in its neverending cycle of positive and everlasting change and rippling effect that continues on till the end of time......too bad we won't live to see how the continuity of the pairing up of life will be ended......God alone Knows....for great indeed is the wisdom of the Creator who's made us....may his blessings be upon us.....

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits