the reverberating echoes of the music of life...
Sadness. Is it truly necessary? Do we really need to suffer unnecessarily? Is life necessarily a journey full of pot-holes and hills? Each one different. Each a test of its own. So do we need it?
What about joy? Do we need elation to complete our world? Or is it just a drug? Is it possible for a world to exist with the absence of joy and the zest for life? If it is then it's difficult for me to picture it.
Anger. Now this, is an interesting emotion. It is the ultimate emotion for drive. It is a powerful feeling that could be harnessed for both good and evil. It gets things done. By hook or by crook, it will get things done. Now, imagine a man who is void of this emotion. Picture how peaceful he is. And ironically, how inhuman he would become.
Next, is greed. The wanting and lusting for more that you could possibly need. How is it that we could have such emotions in our heart? How does it find a way around into our minds and lure us into its trap? Truly this is a dangerous object of the heart.
Generosity. This is truly a soft-spoken, saintly trait that could probably save the world. Few among us could possibly boast of this. But those who could boast of it, never do. Many among us are tainited by the curse of selfishness that sneaks into all our hearts.For even in acts of seeming generosity, there may be hints of self-preservation behind it.
Selfishness. Or self-love, as some would call it. It is evident in everything we say or do. Always do we strive to achieve that which we feel is best for us. Sometimes, we keep more than we need.And at the expense of others. But then again, without self-love, one would slowly inch towards self-destruction.
These are but some of the emotions that more often than not appear in our lives during different times of the day. A constant wave of motion rippling through our daily proceedings. A disharmony thate shakes the chords of our souls like the strings of a guitar. Thus is the music of our lives.
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