Thursday, December 16, 2004

burning up.....

burning head feels like a tonne of heavy and dense it could just be a freakin mini black hole....just that it doesn't seem to be sucking up anything's just throbbing....and throbbing....and least my frontal lobe seems to be doing that....don't know bout the rest of my brain....can't seem to feel it for some reason...oh wait...i think i can sense it....the core of my brain....what do they call that thing again.....the larynx?....oh's the medula oblongata....i think...funky word....cute lil thingy feels like it's on fire right now....interesting eh?.....that a wet, red, pulsing little organ could feel like it's burning....the irony of it.....wet, and yet fiery......hmmmm......while on the topic of fire....must be a really hot week this is....first my my head....perhaps i'm overheating......lack of sleep could kill you....but heck....the experience could prove a thought provoking and interesting one....if i could think of course....amid this red haze of a fever that i'm having, and struggling to avoid falling into peaceful void of sleep, i've had the rare moments of discovery....will tell you more in a bit...memory's getting a bit fuzzy at this point of time.....damn this headache.....cheerio :-D

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

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