A step over simply existing....
Soul. An abstract notion of an invisible, intangible force that permeates every living being on earth. Be it human, plant or animal. An essence that gives life to a body of matter. Soul is life. Soul is wisdom. Soul is what makes us who we are.
It is the building block that sepparrates us from objects. It is an escalation from a state of simply existing to a state of being. Along with the gift of choice and power that accompanies it, we've become the stewards of the land. The consciousness that not only governs the paths of our lives, but also the direction in which the rest of the world moves.
We have been empowered by the gift of choice. And we have been gifted with the ability to identify with causes and effects, reasoning. Endowed with the capability to make our own choices, we swathe a path through the world and society. Each step we take brings us a step higher towards being an entity of profound wisdom and complex judgement. Each decision we make builds a character with a unique sense of being and thought. As the days pass by, and experiences decorate the calenders of our lives, our soul grows and nurtures itself. Like a seed, growing to a tree that reaches ever skywards. Yearning for the light of the sun that leads it on to a path of clarity and happiness. A path of growth.
But, it is clear that we are not the only beings with soul. For within animals, we can see life. We've seen how they interact and think. How they reason and rationalize. Yet, unlike us, they seem simple minded. Incapable of profound thoughts and complicated notions and feelings. They have been entitled to a lower level of being. A simpler form, with simpler tasks. For they live, to live. And they die willingly.
Yet, when we look closely at animals, another question comes up to mind. How exactly are we better than them? They are there to be guided by us. They are there for us to manipulate. They are there to aid us. Tools to help us survive in a world of matter. For we do not belong here. Our soul. It is not a part of this realm. It is a stranger. A lego piece of a different color. It is...Different.
And these animals, these lower beings. They are here as stepping stones. They are like measures. For we live in a world of relativity. In our world. The only way to measure, is to have something to compare to. And the animals, they are something to compare to. Their soul is something to compare to ours. To show just how much we have escalated. How high we've come. Yet at the same time, how low we really are.
Yes. Soul. That is who we are. That is what we are. Soul. Emotions. Thoughts. Sorrow. Joy. Pain. Life. Rise. Rise up and look. For soul has been given to us. We, are truly gifted. For unlike animals, we could rise. We could grow. Unlike plants, we could move. We could talk. Unlike angels, we have choice. Unlike the devil, we have conscience. We, are different. We are like all of them, and yet, different from them. We have human souls.
Look up. For He does wait for us above. He has planted us here to grow. To nurture us. To teach us to look. To teach our soul the meaning of choice, beauty, pain. He brought life to us, to give light to all things we see. And He brought death to us that we may learn what it means to be free. Look up to God. Our soul is but a tiny reflection of the beauty that is Him. A vague picture of what He is. Pray to him. To Him do we strive towards. To Him is where we'll return, as nurtured souls.