Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Unquenchable Thirst

The unquenchable thirst: Do you have it?

What is it?

It is a need. One that requires constant attention. An obsession so subtle it is almost unnoticable. An unquenchable thrist.

Everyone has it.

There are things we can't live without. Whose existence becomes the fuel that feeds the flames of life. Things without which we would die.

The question is: What are they?

What are things that keep us alive? Could they be air, food, water? Is that all?

Then again, what would life be like without a place to stay? So maybe we should include a shelter;a home.

Even then, what meaning would life hold without companionship? A person could go crazy living all alone. One needs family and friends too.

And what of safety and comfort? Dangerous surroundings and lack of proper comfort tends to shorten the lifespan of a person. We may as well include safety and comfort in the list of things we need.

What about joy? We can't live in sadness and gloom all our lives can we?

Let's see - air, food, water, home, friends, family, safety, comfort, joy...

Can you think of anything else we need? Or rather, anything else you'd want to have. How long does the list go on?

Of all these things, which among them is in truth unnecessary? Are there things we made necessary due to the fact that it brings comfort?

Can we live without a home? Whatneed have we for friends? Why must we have comfort? Is joy really important at all?

Do we need love?

A wanderer lives without a home does he not? A hermit has little need for friends. A lost survivor makes do with whatever little comfort he finds around. And most of us lead less than totally joyous lives.

Does anyone live without knowing love?

Do you know your unquenchable thirst?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits