Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Little Madness

Would you understand the deranged ramblings of a mad-man?

And if you did, would that make you a mad-man too?

The mind is perhaps the strangest realm one could live in. It may as well be the most normal too. They say you could only believe what you see with your own two eyes. Yet one should also be aware that you only see what you choose to see.

Could you comprehend a mad-man if you choose to? Would you understand him if you want to? If I told you magic is a possibility, would you believe me? Were I to say the wind has a mind of its own would you disagree?

People live their lives rooted to a single form of reality. Logic rules their world. Certain self-proclaimed laws hold their imagination in place. And as long as they remain rooted down to these frigid corners of existence, normality would always retain its form.

The mad-man defies the norms of practically everyone else. So if you see things the way he does, you have gone mad too, wouldn't you think? The mind of the warped changes the laws of the norm. It sees all things differently. It understands all things differently.

Yet, if you think deeper into things, everyone sees and thinks uniquely. Up to a certain degree of course. Are we all just crazy in our own ways?

As the saying goes,there's a little madness in all of us.

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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