Beauty. Inner beauty. The loveliness of the soul/ The soft care and concerns as well as empathy of the heart. Noble notions of courage, valor, kindliness as well as strong moral values.
Outer beauty. The physical appeal that is most catchy to sight, sound as well as the touch. Soft skin, deep penetrating eyes, a gracefully sculpted body as well as a youthful appearance most deserving of praise.
One form is easily seen upon a person at a glance while the other calls for a clear sight and judgement not muddled by physical biasness. Only one of the two forces you to know the person thoroughly. Which is it?
By which of the two kinds of beauties do you pick your friends by? Need friendship be determined by the beauty of a person? Wherein lies the beauty of the truly beautiful?
Perhaps only in the moments in between in the heart of time. What can be more beautiful than a moment captured in time? What can be more beautiful than what you feel?
Love; Joy; Worry; Kinship and honesty. Perhaps what's more beautiful than things which can be seen(outer beauty) or understood(inner beauty)- is the beauty which we feel.
Many a time when we are enjoying ourselves, we forget all our troubles and all things appear that much more beautiful to us wthen. Elation is a strange phenomenon beyond description.It is neither visible nor understandable. Yet it is among the most beautiful of things we can ever find in our posession.
Sadness too is a beauty of its own unparalelled stature. It brings with it images of tears, rain and loss. It is more moving than any simple supermodel on a runway and deeper than any make up one could possibly wear. Sorrow, painful as iut may be, is still a beauty beyond imagination.
Righteous anger, is another experience beyond descript. It is an emotion that could overturn worlds and impress even the worse of enemies you may have. When your blood boils with it and passion burns in your eyes, none could deny your presence and attraction.
Emotional beauty. It is something that surpasses all that can be worn, seen or heard. It is an overflowing torrent of unexplainable urge. An urge to laugh; to cry; to scream and so on. Feelings. That's what it is.
"Why is it beautiful?" you may ask. Why is happiness such a beautiful thing? What is so great about being sad? Is there anything at all worth praising in anger? To answer these questions, you must first be aware of what true beauty is as well as what it does.
Do you know what true beauty really is? As you slowly digest what's been written here, have you been able to grasp the vage picture of what the essence of beauty really is?
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