Water. Three quarters of the world is covered in it. A considerable portion of the human body is made up of it. The sky rains of it and tears are composed of it. It is the purest bringer of life. We drink it, bathe it, wash and clean using it and apply it to a thousand other everyday activities around us.
Water. We can't live without it.
H2O. A simple small molecule made of two different elements. Hydrogen and oxygen. What is so special about it? How did it first bring about life? How does it sustain life?
Do you not think it strange that such a simple compound consisting of only two different elements can be such an important figure in the generation of life and sustenance itself?
How much do we know of the true nature of water? Is there any other compound like it?
Water. A liquid that's one of a kind. A liquid with many strange surprises.
It is a liquid that clumps together. A substance that attracts itself and gathers together. This is due to the polar nature of water molecules. Water molecules are positively charged on one end and negatively charged on the other. If not for gravity, water droplets left on their own would form perfect spheres.
It is a universal solvent that is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid known to man. A trait which has made it a most effective substance for cleaning and washing.
Water, a substance capable of perfection, yet flawed due to the pull of earthly influence. A substance capable of purifying yet just as easily tainted. A most highly respected creation of God that has been so greatly blessed with gifts so easily overlooked. A weakly creation of God bestowed with greatness.
Man, God's creations made of earth blessed with the waters of heaven. When will we be thankful for it?
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