Monday, April 30, 2007


Seasons. Approaching seasons. Soft scintillating motion unnoticed by the absentminded.

The world moves in its own gait. We merely tag along with it. Moving along with it slowly changing with the world that changes.

Morphing with the seasons that pass us by. Have we been so thoroughly absorbed by the seasons?

The world beckons with its beauty to the youths of our time. Calling out with the warmth of summer sunshine and the icy stars of winter flakes. Buries us in the soft comfy cushion of leaves in autumn and hypnotising blossoms of spring flowers.

As age catches up and seasons come and go, our hunger for plain beauty is replaced with something much better. Or rather, more complicated. A taste for knowledge.

We begin to question the world and the goings on within it. We start to drown in our explorations of it. In the blazing summer sun and the freezing winter chill. Amid the scents of spring blossoms and the sounds of autumn awnings.

Will we be drawn close to the calls of worldly desires? Will the seasons four follow us to our deaths?

No matter how we avoid it, the world and its seasons affect us. Lend us gait to our movements and influences us in invisible ways and tangible alike.

The question is how do we allow it to affect us? What do we read from the seasons?

"We embrace the idea- advanced by both ancient philosophers and modern physicists -that the world is one. Everything connects to everything; therefore, as we change, the world cannot but change with us. - Marianne Williamson

As we interpret and read the world and seasons in the ways we do, so does the world morph and change; reacting to our perceptions without us realising it.

Where are we leading our world; Ourselves.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Express Yourself!

The world is waiting
Hungrily grooming itself
For your coming
What'cha waiting for?

Everyone's quiet
Eyes leering at you
Pretentious calls
Begging for a show

Why you staying?
Express yourself

Saturday, April 28, 2007


These words are mine and no one else's. Of a truth that is. Or is it?

By what criterion should ownership of anything be judged? Finders keepers, losers weepers. There's a cliche' we've heard often enough about ownership, or rather the transfer of ownership.

What about ownership makes it such an important aspect of man in this societal state we live in? How does it affect our lives? How does it affect us?

Material ownership has been the source of many disputes among men. In a word, greed. Man's greed for ownership of material wealth and resources can grow to astounding heights.

We live in a world laden with riches and resources aplenty. In the form of precious stones, precious metals, food and water, land and sea and even information. All of it splayed out before us as gifts for a time.

Gifts for a time.

For how long do we retain ownership of these gifts? Who gives us ownership over these things? What right have we over them?

We squabble over our rights to these blessings of God and act as if these were due of us. As if we deserve them. Of a truth, do we?

These gifts of a time, meant to aid us. How long do we get to keep them? What are we meant to do with them?

What we own rarely lasts for a lifetime. One day in the future, everything will be taken away from us. Our lives; our homes; our wealths; our relatives. Every single thing.

Do we own anything or is everything to a truth out of our hands? It appears upon a second glance that all things we hold are merely loaned to us for a time.

One day, all things will pass for nothing in this world is eternal.

So why do we feel the need to express ownership? What rights have we when all things we claim ownership over are mere temporary gifts that had once belonged to another or will one day belong to another?

In the end, we lose everything. So why should we bother to hoard everything that comes into our hands when we all know that in the end we're bound to lose it?

For temporary pleasure?

What I own is only temporary.
All will come to pass.
The greatest form of a man's glory.
Is when his soul releases all ties.

What does a man own?

Nothing. All things rest in God's hands.

So why do we act otherwise?

Thursday, April 26, 2007


The edge





Below me to the end

Earth calls out soft

With cushion of sand

A Deep___________Cavern





Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Price of Life

If the fate of all humanity rests upon the death of one man, would you be willing to sacrifice just one person?

What is the price of a life?

How do you judge who is worthy to live or otherwise?

How is the survival of one person more important than another?

It is a debate that has been encountered by many men and avoided by many more: The question of the price of your soul. Who among us is more worthy of living?

Would you dare to say that Mother Theresa or Mahatma Ghandi deserved to live longer lives? Should Princess Diana be given a second chance at living?

Would you agree that Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein deserved to be put to the gallows? Would you say that terrorists like Osama bin Laden deserve death?

What raises or lowers the value of life? Do you know?

An eye for an eye
A tooth for a tooth
Blood for blood
A life for a life

Your life for mine. Can we compare the values of our lives? Dare we judge ourselves worth the sacrifice of the lives of others?

Can one person be the price of diamonds while another be less than a penny's worth?

Do good deeds increase the value of your being while bad deeds do otherwise? Are our lives priceless; Or not?

If you had to choose one person to die in order to save the world, who would you pick?

Likewise if you had to select but one person to save while the world perish, who would it be?

Have you decided how the value of life ought to be calculated? What is yours worth?

Would you like to know the answer?

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Law

The ragged space
Of mind constrained
Seals the face
In tears ingrained

Thoughts undone
Rigid points of view
Stories spun
To destroy the you

Kindness a cloak
Underneath lurks shadows
In softness spoke
Their murderous gallows

Soul-numbing lies
Greedy worldly games
Tugging invisible ties
Of man-given names

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Chivalry in Islam

The root of chivalry is that the servant strive constantly for the sake of others. Chivalry is that you do not see yourself as superior to others. The one who has chivalry is the one who has no enemies. Chivalry is that you be an enemy of your own soul for the sake of your Lord. Chivalry is that you act justly without demanding justice for yourself. Chivalry is(having)...beautiful character

- Imam Al-Qushayri

The code of Chivalry of a Muslim elaborated by Imam Sulami in his "Kitab Al-Futuwwa" :-

That he brings joy to the lives of friends and meets their needs
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "When one brings joy with his words into the life of a believer or satisfies his worldly needs, whether small or large, it becomes an obligation upon Allah to offer him a servant on the Day of Judgement.

That he responds to cruelty with kindness, and does not punish an error
When a Companion asked if he should refuse to help a friend who had refused to help him before, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said no.

That he does not find fault with his friends.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "if you start seeking faults in Muslims, you will cause dissent among them or you will at least start dissention." Dhu Al-Nun Al-Misri said, "Whoever looks at the faults of others is blind to his own faults. Whoever looks for his own faults cannot see the faults of others."

That he is relaxed and open hearted with his brothers.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "The believer is the one with whom one can be close. The one who is not close and to whom one cannot be close is of no use. The good among men are those from whom others profit."

That he is generous
The Messenger of Allah said, "Paradise is home of the generous."

That he keeps up old friendships
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "Allah approves the keeping of old friendships."

That he looks after his friends and his neighbours.
Ibn Zubayn said, "Someone who eats while his next-door nghbour is hungry is not a believer."

That he is lenient with his friends except in matters of religion.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "The first sign ofintelligence is to believe in Allah. Th next is to be lenient with people in affairs other than the abandoning of Truth."

That he permits his friends to use his possessions as if they were their own.
We know that the Prophet(s.a.w) used to use the property of Abu Bakr as if it were his own.

That he invites guests, offers food and is hospitable.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "How awful is a society that does not accept guests."

That he respects his friends and shows his respect for them.
A man entered the mosque and the Prophet (s.a.w) stood up for him out of respect. He protested and the Prophet replied that to be paid respect is te right of the believer.

That he is truthful
The Messengr of Allah (s.a.w) said, "Say that you believe in Allah, then always be truthful."

That he is satisfied with little for himself and wishes much for others.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said that Alah Most High said, "The ones who love each other for My sake deserve My love; the ones who give what comes to them in abundance deserve My love. The ones who frequent and viit each other for My sake deserve My love."

That he keeps his word and what is entrusted to him.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, If you have these four things, it does not matter even if you lose everything else in this world: protect what is entrusted to you, tell the truth, have a noble character and earn your income lawfully."

That he understands that what he truly keep is what he gives away.
Aisha (r.a) recounted that someone had presented the gift of a lamb to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w). He distributed the meat. Aisha (r.a) said, "Only the neck is left for us." The Prophet (s.a.w) replied, "No. All of it is left for us except the neck."

That he shares in the joy of his brothers.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "If a person who is fasting joins his brothers and they ask him to break his fast, he should break it." This refers to a non-obligatory fast, not the fasts of Ramadhan.

That he thinks little of himself or his good deeds.
The Prophet (s.a.w) was once asked,"What thing most attracts the anger of Allah?" He replied, "When one considers himlf d hi actions highly, and worse still, expects a return for his good deeds."

That he treats people as he would wish to be treated.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "As you wish to come to you, go to them."

That he concerns himself with his own affairs.
The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said, "One of the signs of a good muslim is that he leaves everything that does not concern him.

That he seeks the company of the good and avoids the company of the bad.
Yahya Ibn Mu'ad Al-Razi said, "On the day when the trumpet is sounded, you will see how evil friends will run from each other and how good friends will turn toward each other. Allah Most High says, 'On that day, except for the true believers, friends will be enemies.'"

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Road pieces breaking
Trudging leaves, man untested
Footing lost, falling

Thursday, April 19, 2007


A relationship. Ties between people be it friendship, love or heritage of blood, exists in every person's life.

Is mankind really a social species?

Were we to try and lead lone solitary lives, could we succeed?

What is this craving for companions for? Why do we have it?

Try living without speaking to a single person around you for a day. How long can you last?

O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored among you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

- Al-Quran (49:13)

Gives a whole new meaning to the term soulmate doesn't it?

Many among us feels the need to maintain a connection to people. Be it friendship, love, lust or the likes. No matter what form it takes, there is always a form of social interaction that needs to take place.

Could a human being scrounge out a hermetical life without reliance upon any form of relations?

Could you?

How important is a mother? Or daughter? Sister or even brother maybe? Or your father. What of friends?

We've been put in a world full of people to band with to get to know and learn from. What for?

Why do we befriend others?
Why do we love?
Why do we crave companionship?
What for?

For just a day, sit and silence yourself. Do not talk. What will it feel, to not interact? Find out for yourself.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Would you?

Would you kill me
If I killed you
Or hurt me
As I've hurt you

Once you said
"I no longer love you"
Your choice was made
My life was through

I asked why
You had no answer
Just left me to die
Drowned in my hunger

Now here again
You rub salt to my wound
Dangling me in chain
Watching him become your boon

Oh he is great
I can see that
Worth gold his weight
You made clear, that

So why come back
Why haunt my life
Care you not this empty sack
That you ripped with your knife?

I can't say no
I still want you
Of that you know
I'm sure of that too

So please if there's nothing else
Leave me for dead
This hurting never ends
Long as you're there for me to wait

Please kill me
As I want to kill you
And hurt me
So I can forget you

Cause I can't live
Not without you

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


The fuel of love is desire
The end result of it, temporary satisfaction
The spark that begins the wildfire of lust, is the complacency of the soul in guiding the heart.

What is the natural form of it? We've all professed it or identified it at least once in our lives. How many among us understand it?

Is love good or bad?

It has been known to influence a person to do things beyond the norm. Infusing the subject with the desire to please; the need to be needed. Anything would be done for the sakes of winning the heart of the one desired.

What good will that bring? What is a person in love working towards?

Trying hard as he/she could possibly do to seduce the intended heart and gain its trust and love. What happens after that?

What happens after that satisfaction from gaining that targeted love has faded and the fires of emotional highs has dimmed down to mere smouldering embers?

A love as temporary as bodily desires can never last long. Such a love can only be born by an unguided soul whose heart has been blinded by lust.

Then again, how many of us know of a kind of love that can truly stand the test of time?

What kind of love need it be to be able to hold such? Does such love come from a selfish need to please the self, or is it that mystical state of selflessness that some have been known to claim it to be?

What is love? Far too much of what we see of it is tainted beyond recognition.

What is it like in its purest?

Sunday, April 15, 2007


The indignation of separation
Burns which the heat of submission
A clause to sight invisible
Of love lived the length of a candle

In pain of sweltering scars
Caged behind milky white bars
Stained by scalding purity
Of a loss struck impudently

The will to not shed a tear
Sheathed in courage against the fear
Come face with riling seas
Of a heart knowing no longer peace

Tendrils swatting back forth
Stirring amuck a bubbling froth
The whiteness of blinding rage
Who against sadness does war wage

Blood for itself
Life for death
Boiled in mud
Of a heart been cleft

Saturday, April 14, 2007


Water. Three quarters of the world is covered in it. A considerable portion of the human body is made up of it. The sky rains of it and tears are composed of it. It is the purest bringer of life. We drink it, bathe it, wash and clean using it and apply it to a thousand other everyday activities around us.

Water. We can't live without it.

H2O. A simple small molecule made of two different elements. Hydrogen and oxygen. What is so special about it? How did it first bring about life? How does it sustain life?

Do you not think it strange that such a simple compound consisting of only two different elements can be such an important figure in the generation of life and sustenance itself?

How much do we know of the true nature of water? Is there any other compound like it?

Water. A liquid that's one of a kind. A liquid with many strange surprises.

It is a liquid that clumps together. A substance that attracts itself and gathers together. This is due to the polar nature of water molecules. Water molecules are positively charged on one end and negatively charged on the other. If not for gravity, water droplets left on their own would form perfect spheres.

It is a universal solvent that is capable of dissolving more substances than any other liquid known to man. A trait which has made it a most effective substance for cleaning and washing.

Water, a substance capable of perfection, yet flawed due to the pull of earthly influence. A substance capable of purifying yet just as easily tainted. A most highly respected creation of God that has been so greatly blessed with gifts so easily overlooked. A weakly creation of God bestowed with greatness.

Man, God's creations made of earth blessed with the waters of heaven. When will we be thankful for it?

Friday, April 13, 2007

Echoes of Friends

Friends lost
Fading into time
Finding each loneliness
Faced by ties broken by age

Roaming back
Reaching for past unreachable
Reeling in the hopelessness
Rendered true by the years

I find it true
Instilled in the shadows
Iron cold truth
Imminent solitude of old

Each man finds it
Effervescence dulled by the seconds
Enigmatic mysticism
Endured to be by the soul

Now's the time
Never it comes
Nigh waiting for the day of love
Nudging the darkness closer

Din in which they disappeared
Dragging along a piece of the soul
Draping a cloak over the light
Destined as a candle to burn out cold

So here I'm left
Standing alone
Seeing each walk his path
Somberly stoned

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Salman told Abu Ad-Darda', "Your Lord has a right on you, your soul has a right on you, and your family has a right on you; so you should give the rights of all those who has a right on you."

Abu Ad-Darda' came to the Prophet(pbuh) and narrated the whole story. The Prophet said,"Salman has spoken the truth."

- Hadith Al-Bukhari 3.189 - Abu Juhaifa

Living as you do within a family, all you say or do will have an impact upon them be it good or ill. As much as you have the right to treat yourself as you please, so do you have to take into account their rights to care for you as they see fit.

Judge not yourself independant or alone unless your parents have left you and your siblings lost to you beyond retrieving. The ties of blood cannot be broken by time or space.

We walk this life carrying the burdens of our own existence together with the responsibility of being part of a family. Thus have we been given a greater weight. Thus too have we been given a place to turn to to lighten the load of our lonely lives. Cherish it.

Your family is truly a gift. Forget them not.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Living Dead

Asunder is rent
The heart of a man
When in woe does find
No soul left behind

As trampled to dust
His home a crushed husk
Search him to see
Corpses, family

In wailing undone
Final strings unstrung
Ghoulish fever does pitch
Numbing throes of unimportant stitch

Life ground to bones
In his dying moans
Promises to be made
Retributions by the blade

Born is to be
In spite blood does see
A cause to avenge
Life named revenge

New purpose found
Death within bound
Renamed the living dead
In stares blinding red

Acres to travel
Steps minor hurdle
Vigour of hatred
Burns in heart battered

Fear him
The fleeting manic grim
One of flesh and bone
Unliving as his broken home

Monday, April 09, 2007

An Exception

There are exceptions to every rule.
Even to the rule of exception

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Sweet taste of morning dew
Doth linger upon my skin
The hypnotic haze of nature's brew
Hanging upon mid-autumn awning

To hither floats the morning day
Tarrying with the sun
Calling the heart to come out play
Time afresh hath just begun

Come to life birds asinging
Inviting to thine ears
Soul in darkness left withering
Regains much lost years

Morning breath light and fresh
Sends kisses to thine face
Wreathed in invisible sash
Of heavenly scent and grace

The soothing smells fill thine lungs
Sultry, Oh so sweet
The blossoming of nature's songs
Infuse every breath you breathe

The silent whisper of the trees
Tingling in the air
Sets thy soul at total ease
With words both bold and fair

Lay thee down softly
Upon bed of earth and grass
Bring to bare the wild and free
That lurks deep within thy hearts

Let sunlight stream through clouds
Oange, yellow, vibrant red
Singing warmth clear and loud
Paving the day ahead

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I Stand Alone

The boastful only see the best in themselves while the wise see the worst in what they do.

Living in a world where excellence is valued so greatly above all else has made us blind to this fact. And this is exactly what will one day lead our society to its downfall.

How true is this fact? What wrong is there in believing in your ability?

Of course there is nothing wrong in believing in yourself. But how much is too much? An excess of something can never be good for a person. Even if it is an excess of goodness.

Mankind was created with weaknesses. He was blessed with both good and bad. Made in perfection as well as flawed. Understanding this is the key to humility.

"It is a mortifying truth, and ought to teach the wisest of us humility, that many of the most valuable discoveries have been the result of chance rather than of contemplation, and of accident rather than of design."

- Charles Caleb Colton

Every single achievement of ours was built upon chance. All of the future exists only as a result of conditions created in the past.

Had your father not been born, would you be here?

If fire had never been discovered, would man know how to cook?

Without the discovery of wheels, would cars exist?

Without men, can there be women?

Without children would there have been adults?

All that is strong was once upon a time weak. By that understanding will the wise derive compassion. Compassion which is forgotten by the vain and boastful; The self-absorbed.

Selfishness has been bred by the belief of strength in oneself. And ours is a society that greatly values that. That strength. Self-reliance. But man was not made to be entirely self-reliant. Man was not created powerful.

We do not stand alone.

Friday, April 06, 2007

I Miss You

Each morning begins with your name
Each dream at night ends with your face
Each sigh was sparked by the thought of you
All this just to say...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Religion. Who to Believe.

What do you choose to believe?

How do you tell between truths and lies?

Many are the revelations of time and God. Just as many though are the fake prophecies of His creations. Of the two, which do you choose to believe?

Some of us trust only what our eyes see. Others are easily impressed by words. Who do you choose to listen to? What do you believe?

Of a truth it is that man is constantly exposed to truths and lies alike. By what do we judge the nature of a truth? The perceived nature of the world we live in ripples in silent change. Moving to and fro in the passing days and nights leaves us impressed in many ways. How do you walk a straight path upon a road riddled with so many junctions?

Always do we find reasons to question all that we see, hear and feel. Thus we fall back on other means than the heart of hearts to judge.

Do we truly know deep down inside? Is the truth clear to us?

The revelations we see, we doubt. And we seek other means of finding the truths of creation. Will we find it after a time or are we meant to forever be lost?

"Turn to guidance" says some of us.

"What guidance?" ask others.

In God I chose to believe. In the Almighty Creator I rest my trust. Doubt not have I in His revellations for no matter what questions I have, only He is the All-Knowing and All-Seeing. Only He holds the truth of all truths.

How do you tell a lie from a truth? God alone knows.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Just You

Filtering through
Just filtering through
Every moment that passes
Which leaves me without you
Without you

Holding on
Barely holding
Feeling my grip
Slowly breaking away

Screaming your name
No one else but you
All that I hear
Is you
Nobody but you

Making no sense
None of this makes sense
It hurts to think of you
But it's all I do
All I'll ever do

Wanting to stop
Trying to stop
Yet here I am
Loving you

Broken and fragmented
The day you left
I died

Thoughts no longer correlate
All other emotions feel fake
All that's real is love
For you
Just for you

Burnt away
To smoking embers
In smouldering dreams
My sanity slipping
Slowly slipping

Who am I
Answers I can't find
Me a mere shadow
You left behind

I want you
Need you
I won't force you
Only beg you

On my knees
I am nobody
Without you
Here without you

Charred and brackened
Cluelessly dead
Without your light
My world's a poisonous black
Poisonous black

Now I walk
I trudge
Lost and alone
With no way back

Time passing
Slowly going
And all I can do
Is just filter the memories
Leaving nothing but you

Just You...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Age, the cradle of wisdom

Experience, the mother of compassion.

Love, the source of humanity

Hate, the father of destruction.

As age creeps up upon a man, and experience comes to his side to be his best friend, love will grow or hate may consume.

The choice between the two, is entirely in his hands.

What will he choose to end with?
That understanding may his guidance be.
And in comprehending peace shall find.
In written deeds a story left behind.

Monday, April 02, 2007

White Dove

Lovely white dove
Purity incarnate
Fluttering above
Upon wings of grace

For you the heavens
Made your cage
Your wishes given
No askance too great

A beautiful soul
Lurks in your eyes
Warmed by the hold
Of your enrapturing smiles

Untested by time
Your immortal grace
The beauty sublime
Of a thousand praise

Innocence you hold
Gripped by your shell
That fragile gold
Of a powerful spell

Threatened by darkness
Weak by nature
Yet that very weakness
Becomes your allure

Pretty white dove
Sampling of purity
Nought for you but love
Do I have to give

The sadness in your eyes
Reflected in tears
The love in your sighs
That consumes all fears

Devotion you have
Wrought by your beauty
An addictive salve
Of skin upon skin

For your every touch
And your gentility
My life would I vouch
Till the end of eternity

Remain you untainted
In a world of grey
Forever protected
From mankind's spray

If ever you're tarnished
Or your whiteness fade
Tied by the leash
Of humanity's fate

Here still I stand
For you I wait
Holding out my hand
To you behind this gate

I pray such not
For you my dove
Stay you forever uncaught
Aflutter in your grove

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Death. A sacred rite or a mere passage; A rebirth or a final stage; The closing of a book or simply turning of another page.

It has always fascinated us. Mystical yet natural. Feared and inevitable. A frightening prospect yet truly a blessing in disguise.

The most clear end that each and every person will undoubtedly face and yet, most easily forgotten in the coming days.

Remember it.

:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

thoughts, principles and philosophy is the main point of discussion. Subjects ranging from love to music and life can be discussed here. Anyone is welcome to post their thoughts on my articles in the tagboard. And feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong. I'm open to criticism.
C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits