Friday, January 14, 2005

Pool...a lesson in life

Life is like a game of Pool. You can start the ball rolling but you never know when it will stop. You could learn new tricks, attempt to master the secrets, but in the end, it's all up to chance.

There is always a goal you wish to achieve. A certain ball that needs to be nudged down a specific pocket. But you can never achieve your goal(slotting the ball in the pocket) until opportunity presents itself. Before that happens, you need only be patient and go on with the game, satisfying yourself with other targets.

At times, things don't seem to be going your way. Balls fall into the wrong pockets, your aiming gets a bit off and you keep losing. But that is no course for alarm. You never know when the situation may buck up and the end might prove more rewarding than the beginning.

When obstacles get in your way and there seems to be no clear route, try your best. Don't give up and say you can't. Your cue ball may be tucked away behind those stripes(assuming you can't hit the striped balls) and there seems to be absolutely no way around your predicament. So be it. Just try your best. That's what's important.

In the end, how the game finishes may not matter as much as what you learn from it. You could keep shooting and shootin, and win. But if it was all by accident and you're not learning from your mistakes, you may find yourself comitting the same mistakes over and over again. You have to learn before your game can improve. The same way life can only get better when we learn from our mistakes.

Focus. Focusing on your gameplay can lead to wondrous results. Yet distractions are everywhere. Distractions can kill your game. Lose your focus and your planning your defeat. This is a lesson for life. If we focus and set our minds on getting what we want, we're bound to get it sooner or later. This is a useful lesson in life. It will get us somewhere.

There are many lessons that we can learn from pool. Just like there are lessons to be learnt from soccer and basketball. Everything we do, from fun and games to simple observance, holds behind it a lesson and teaching. So when we do something, take the time to reflect upon it. We might learn from it.

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