A lonely journey
Footsteps echoed in the backdrop of silence. The scraping of gravel upon the feet. The heels clacking upon loose stones, an endless rhythmic tapping that mirrored the constant beating of the heart.
The essence of time and space itself, seems lost. Trapped somewhere within the recesses of the mind, caged in the monotonous rhythm that now permeates the empty road.
The journey he made in silence. There was no need for words. There was noone around to listen to them. No other sound, but the beating of a heart - his heart. And of course the tapping of his feet.
His downcast gaze fell upon cold ground. A rough, cold, lifeless gravel road. An earthly silence decorated by dim twilight. All that moved, was his shadow, walking in tune to the rhythm of his feet. His only companion. Always there in the dark of night or the bright of day. His shadow, noticed or otherwise, always there. Just like the rhythm of his feet.
How lonely he felt. Upon an empty road, traversing across a long journey to nowhere. Led by footsteps left behind by a stranger. Yet...
He felt at peace. Under the silvery sheen of heavenly bodies, he'd never felt more at one with himself. Just like the quiet air that swum with him through his journey, so was his mind in harmony. It made a monotonous beat. A slow, deathly heavy beat that echoed his footsteps. On and on, till the end of time.

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