After all is said and done, more is said than done - Aesop
Such is the need for mankind to say. For to speak is to bring his thoughts to being. Yet to speak of work is always easier than doing the work.
Much easier is it to advise than to hold true to that which you speak of. Plans you can make for every hour of every day. But plans hardly ever go the way you see them.
Be it due to circumstances within our control or otherwise, few things in this world ever goes the way we see or expect them to.
People always say more than they should but do less than they say. Few among us can escape this truth.
And knowing this, many among us still have the cheek to say so much. Why is that so?
Your promises you break every step of the way. All I can do is sit here and wait for the day your words ring true. I wish you'd speak no more. For the mute lies less and acts more. How sad. How truly sad.
The rain.
She comes. She goes. With her time flies. Nice, slow and easy. Her calm brings me peace. Her touch a cold comfort that chases away my loneliness. She's the one.
The rain.
She reads my thoughts. Echoes my feelings. Her tears that trickle down from the sky. What more could I ask for than a companion through darkness and the light?
That is the rain.
My companion in the day and the night. She is love. She is pain. She too is loss and gain. Dear dear rain. Unappreciated as you are, you're my one and only.
How could any of us live without her.
Rain. She comes and goes with the seaosons. She is material. She is undeniable. She is irresistable. She is the one that hides me from the sun. She too is my blanket in the night. All encompassing rain. Beloved rain. Incredible rain.
In the eternal cadence of life and death that flows endlessly through this limited time we're born with, rarely do we spot the harmonious balance that echoes in the chaos of the spinning of life's wheel.
Etched upon the threads of fate is the reflections of knowledge learnt and lost, neither of which ever registered upon the conscious thought of man but at the rarest moments of self-reflections.
Even then, the blind eyes of man rarely reaps the rewards that awaits his taking upon the lessons of the wind for he's too busy swimming upon the relentless tides of needs wrought of disillusions and dreams of good fortune and happy times.
Oh woe is man.
Names. What power is there in a name? wherein lies the strength of a title?
A chair is named a chair because it can and is usually used to be sit upon. A table is an object upon which we place our food for dinner. A car is identified by its model, which corresponds with a specific make and design.
All things have a name. All names have their origins. But are names really something man gives to everything around them to make referring to these things easier? Or do they really have a higher purpose?
A label for everything that exists. A name for every single body, ideal and concept in existence. Is it a name that makes you who you are; or is it you who makes a name a part of you?
"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself though not a Montague. What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot. Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part. Belonging to a man, O be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. - Shakespear
Of what importance is a name to you? Had you a name other than yours, what would you be?
I am my name; My name is me. Call me by naught other than what I am. For doing otherwise would be an insult.
Call not a dog a cat and name not a woman a man. Identity lies within a name. Form is given upon the utterance of a word.
Form is the strength of a name. And form too is its limitation.
The quintessential key to happiness hides behind a myriad of different circumstances.
Recorded past and the promised future set the standards to be met before joy will bring itself to the present.
Yet two people leading similar lives with identical chronology may still present themselves with oddly different levels of happiness.
Is it just a matter of point of view?
How you see the world; Be it under a rainbow, sunshine or the dark of night. All that happiness needs is a warm smile and cheery disposition. True?
Think happy and be happy.
Joy is a state of mind. Elation is the end result of merely gaining what you think you want or need.
Ask for a dime and someone gives you a dollar. Wouldn't you be happy? Dream of a car and Dad buys you a Porsche. Wouldn't you be glad? Or win that all important competition you've been training all year round for. Can you imagine such joy?
So knowing exactly what you want would be knwoing just what will make you happy. But is that really the case?
Take awhile to ponder. What is it that will make you happy? What would that perfect life be like for you? What is your heaven?
Could anyone really find the answer to this? Is there such a thing as an achievable and incomparable joy? One that is soothing and everlasting?
Perhaps there is. But will you realise your happiness when it is there? Or will you be unaware of your state of happiness untill the day when sadness comes to consume it?
You have to keep asking yourself what your definition of joy would be. No doubt it is closely tied to what you care about and what life looks like to you. Search for that happiness that hides deep in the recluses of thought. Would you ever find it? Will you ever achieve that satisfaction?
Perhaps it's best to find satisfaction in what you already have. Such is an easier and more achievable objective. Rather than trying to find satisfaction by chasing after a dream of what may be your perfect life that you so greatly yearn for.
An ill-achieved dream will only give way to disappointment. Be thankful for what you have and happiness will be close at hand. Wouldn't you think so?
But how easy is it for you to be thankful for what you already have?
It's all in the mind.
:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::
thoughts, principles and philosophy is the main point of discussion. Subjects ranging from love to music and life can be discussed here. Anyone is welcome to post their thoughts on my articles in the tagboard. And feel free to tell me if you think I'm wrong. I'm open to criticism.