Monday, February 14, 2005

Dreams of a blind man

I could feel its gentle caresses upon my face. The soft flowing touch of its delicate body sends a calm, serene ripple of pleasure all through me. It flowed all over me. Seeped right through me. It cradled me within its silky delicate hands.

Cool, sweet scintilating rush of happiness. I took a deep long breath. Ahhhhh...The sweet, refreshing smell of fresh roses in the early morning. My lungs screamed out the flutering happiness of a thousand butterflies in the peaceful quiet of the rising sun. The elation within every breath, was like the beauty that I now felt upon my skin. Unbelieavable.

It hummed its melodious tune to my ears. Singing to me softly. A quiet tinkling music barely audible over the lovely chantings of the birds all around. Listening to its singing; their singing, there was nothing I could do but appreciate it. The low moaning and high crescendo of their song. I loved it.

I stood there, reaching out to it, relishing in its soft touch and quiet voice. I reached out and sang with it.

Can you imagine a life without sight? What will you see? Picture the beauty of a dream without pictures. How will it be?

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:::amid the shadows of trancendence:::

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C. Love Poems
~-=0 The Shadows Behind Me 0=-~

lurking spirits