Logic and Religion
Living in a dream in search of awakening. Finding belief after belief seeking for support to lean upon. Have you found something to believe in? Walking blind with acceptance for a shield, he defends his beliefs from unnecessary questioning. "Stop!" Shouts he. "The mind cannot possibly comprehend the unseen and immaterial. So why bother trying? The supernatural is a realm of the heart and soul. Speak you of that which you know not?" Says he. Does he then reject questions that will leave his beliefs in the murky depths of doubt? Are religious faith and reasoning like oil and water? Do they not mix? Or dare he spin the blade which I cut him with back upon me? What could possibly save me from my own questions? Could my beliefs be shattered by rationales and logic? How can that be? "Speak you of that which you know not?" Says he. Believe you in that which you know naught of? You speak of heart and soul. You speak of truths and the unseen. You speak of senses that transcend mortality. You speak in riddles that confound in order to introduce me to a world profound. I wonder. How do you think with your heart and soul when you refuse to seize knowledge under a questioning hold? "Meditate. Raise your awareness. Wisdom will come to those who seek it." Says he. Are wisdom and knowledge one and the same? How frustrating. Question after question after question after question. Why do I keep asking for that which has no answer? Simple. It is because I know there is One who holds the answer to all things. And everytime I face the unknown, chanel handbags I seek a part of His presence within it. His Truth. His Wisdom. That which is hidden. Knowledge. Only the knowledgeable will know true fear. Only the knowledgeable will know true joy. And the greatest force of belief is the one backed by knowledge and logic.